You may think that what you post online is completely private to the public eye. But are you sure that everything in your settings points to this? Maybe the insurance company can see every single thing you are tagged in, which means that they have a glimpse into your private life and what you have been doing since the accident. And, your information can still be accessed if these companies push to request access during time of discovery, especially if they believe evidence you’ve posted will push them in the right direction and build a claim against you.
It is important to think before you post online on social media during your case. You should always avoid posting about certain aspects of your case, like private conversations you have with your attorney, information regarding your injuries, problems you have had with treatment, and any conversations you have had with others about the case. In general: Do not post about your case on social media!
Are you looking to get the most successful results out of your personal injury claim? At Accident Law Group, we can guide you in the right direction when you have sustained an injury due to the fault of another party and want to get fair compensation for these injuries. We want to help you protect your rights, so call us today at 602-262-4254.
There are many reasons why these accidents happen, even if some can be prevented. Sometimes, a worker could make a simple mistake because of a careless error, or because they were lacking proper training. Perhaps a contractor improperly set up protective equipment meant to catch objects when they fall. No matter what, if safety rules were not abided by and you were struck with an object, you may have sustained serious injuries. You could suffer concussions, brain injuries, neck and back injuries, and even paralysis from being hit by an object. You may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits or be able to make a claim against a third party if your employer was not responsible for your injuries. Call us at the Accident Law Group if you have been injured by a falling object in the construction workplace and need help with your case. We are waiting to hear from you today, so give us a call at 602-262-4254.
Accident Law Group co-founding partner Joseph L. Brown discusses why you should call ALG immediately following an accident. If you or a loved one have been injured in an accident call (602) 262-4254 now for a free consultation. Or dial **ALG from your cell phone.
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Accident Law Group
Phoenix, Arizona
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Here at Accident Law Group, our entire firm handles only accident/injury cases. 100% of our work is building, arguing, and winning injury cases just like yours. It is what our founding partners named the firm, because accidents are all we focus on.
15650 N Black Canyon Highway, Suite B-155, Phoenix, AZ 85053
(602) 262-4254
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Dog Bites
In Arizona, the dog’s owner is held responsible for the first bite, no matter the breed. Some common questions include whether a dog gets “one free bite”, whether the dog’s breed matters, or whether the owner had knowledge the dog would bite. In Arizona, the answer to all three questions is “no.” Arizona law provides “[t]he owner of a dog which bites a person when the person is in or on a public place or lawfully in or on a private place, including the property of the owner of the dog, is liable for damages suffered by the person bitten, regardless of the former viciousness of the dog or the owner’s knowledge of its viciousness.” Arizona Revised Statute 11-1025 (A). This type of law is known as ‘strict liability’ meaning the owner’s knowledge or mental state plays no role in deciding his liability (legal responsibility). Thus, if a dog injured you with a bite, it does not matter that the dog never bit anyone before, it does not matter the dog’s breed, and the owner’s knowledge does not matter either. Now, if the owner intentionally made the dog bite you, that is a whole different scenario of intentional torts. Here, with the common dog bite, the owner will most likely be held responsible for your injury and you should discuss your legal options with an attorney who regularly handles personal injury cases. In Arizona, the dog owner will not be responsible if the injured person was trespassing or In Arizona, the only defenses to a dog bite is that the injured person trespassed, or provoked the dog. The statute discussed above requires the person to be in a “public place or lawfully in or on a private place”. Thus, if you are not lawfully allowed to be where you were bitten, ie trespassing, the dog owner has a valid defense. Arizona law also provides “[p]roof of provocation of the attack by the person injured shall be a defense to the action for damages.” Arizona Revised Statute 11-1027. Here, the court system determined that the “common law defenses of contributory negligence and assumption of risk superseded.” Massey v. Colaric, 151 Ariz. 65, 725 P.2d 1099 (1986). This means the dog owner cannot argue that the injured person assumed the risk such as coming towards the dog or offering a hand to the dog. The only valid defenses are if the injured person was trespassing or if the dog owner can prove that the injured person provoked the dog. In Arizona, the bite victim has one year to file a lawsuit or settle a claim. Another question is how much time an injured person has to hold the dog owner responsible. Arizona law provides, “[t]here shall be commenced and prosecuted within one year after the cause of action accrues, and not afterward, the following actions… (5) Upon a liability created by statute. Arizona Revised Statute 12-541. Dog bite liability falls under this time limitation. Thus, an injured person has one year from the day of the bite to either file a lawsuit or settle a claim. To properly investigate and build your case in this very short time span, you should speak with an attorney who regularly handles personal injury cases. We hope this brief overview has given you a glimpse into your options after a dog bite. This article is only a starting point, however, and has not discussed many topics such as what money damages to expect, how to find the defendant’s insurance policies or other potential common law actions with a two-year statute of limitations. If you or a loved one is the victim of a dog attack, we advise talking with an experienced personal injury law firm. Call us today at Accident Law Group and sit down with a licensed and experienced personal injury attorney for a free initial consultation. Contact Us: Accident Law Group Phoenix, Arizona Google Site: Official Site:
Here at Accident Law Group, our entire firm handles only accident/injury cases. 100% of our work is building, arguing, and winning injury cases just like yours. It is what our founding partners named the firm, because accidents are all we focus on. 15650 N Black Canyon Highway, Suite B-155, Phoenix, AZ 85053 (602) 262-4254 VIDEO <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> KEYWORDS Black box, trucks and accidents, vicarious liability, Ahwatukee Foothills News, wet floor sign, jackknifing truck, Phoenix personal injury attorney, accident in Phoenix, Phoenix car accident attorney, accident lawyers in phoenix az, joseph brown, the accident, Phoenix accident report, injury lawyer Phoenix, trucking companies hiring drivers with accidents, personal injury lawyer Phoenix, personal injury lawyer phoenix az, vicarious, vicarious liability phoenix, liability vicarious, phoenix vicarious liability, phoenix vicarious, vicarious liability phoenix, liability vicarious Phoenix
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